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🔍 Megama - B2B complex system

project tags: B2B complex system, product design, medical investigation.


Megama is a Desktop application that helps Medical officers investigate diseases and outbreaks in IDF bases.

The app includes meeting summary between doctors and soliders and research reports.
Giving users the tools they need to draw conclusions such as:
what is the root of the problem or outbreak and where to focus to prevent future incidents

Designed with guidance from Yair Ronen, between January-March 2024 for Advanced Product Design course at Shenkar College.

The Challenge:

Military medical services lag behind civilian technologies advancements. While recent development efforts offer solutions, current systems overwhelm doctors with data but lack intelligent analysis.


In this project, a key challenge was identifying the ideal user for this medical research interface. Potential user groups included military medical researchers, IDF epidemiologists, brigade doctors, and clinic managers. Each role has distinct needs and workflows within the medical research process. Understanding these differences was crucial for designing an interface that effectively caters to all potential users.


This project explored the potential of software that analyzes trends and patterns within soldier-doctor interactions. By identifying recurring medical issues, the software can provide actionable insights for military medical professionals. These insights would enable them to:
  • Reach decisive conclusions: Move beyond overwhelming data to identify root causes of health concerns.
  • Develop targeted methods: Design effective interventions to eradicate recurring issues.
  • Implement preventive medicine: Proactively address potential health problems before they arise.

This solution empowers military healthcare to shift from reactive treatment to proactive prevention.

Design Process:

This project employed a user-centered design approach. Initially, core screens like "All Events," "Investigations," and "Specific Event" were designed. The "All Events" screen leveraged a data table to efficiently present extensive information, allowing for quick scanning and interaction options.

However, the design process involved iterative refinements. Challenges arose in defining the filter hierarchy and enabling multi-event selection. By incorporating feedback and leveraging "10 Usability Heuristics for User Interface Design". The information architecture and interaction patterns were optimized to ensure effective and clear usability for the user.

Key Learnings:

  • This project highlighted the value of usability heuristics. These principles helped me simplify the design critique process. By focusing on core concepts like clear user feedback, I could pinpoint issues and explain them more easily. This approach made design improvements more user-centered and easier to implement.

  • User Story Mapping, initially daunting, became my project compass. It charted user needs and functionalities, guiding design from start to finish. This experience solidified the value of new methodologies in user-centered design.

  • This project challenged me to design complex interfaces with lots of information. It was a big leap from simpler user experiences, I learned how to organize complex information clearly, making it easy for users to find what they need. and also i sharpened my skills in designing for repeated use, ensuring a smooth and efficient experience.

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